Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Man Has Turned His Back on His Creator God to Fall into the Fiery Abyss!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 12.08.2022 - 4:36 p.m.
The hour beats bitterly, My people go unaware of what is about to happen, ... a little more and the cross will be painful for this Humanity deprived of Me.
Trust in your God, O men, turn away from the world, renounce sin! I am your Father, O men, why do you turn away from Me, what evil have I done you that you are not Mine?
Behold everything will suddenly precipitate, it will be total disorder, ... poor Humanity!
God, from the height of His Heaven sees in man total confusion.
Satan has grabbed the bodies, manages their minds, diverts their steps from Me: ... what a disaster!
This Humanity has been seized by the adversary, foolishness is in man who has turned his back on his Creator God to plunge into the fiery abyss.
I am grieved for you, O men, but without your consent I cannot help you.
Everything ends here! A new temple will be raised, the Holy Spirit will hover in It, everything will be in love and faithfulness.
God still calls His people to repentance!
It is urgent that you return to the Father, O men!
Renounce Satan My children, return to Me , that I, your Creator God, may help save you.
May God's peace and love descend upon His beloved people.
Go ahead My children, raise the flag of your freedom, God will be with you! Amen.
Source: ➥